Members please note that
1.) Our meetings are now held at Potten End hall. If you need a lift there andback please contact Graham Dorsett.
2.) Use the link on this page to email the Secretary to apologise for your absence in advance for any meeting.
3.) See the attached map for additional parking at Potten End
4.) Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening is available for over 65 year males by calling 01727 897719 and leaving your phone number for a call back. Scans take place in HH, are free and take only 10 minutes with an instant result. Please tell your friends. See
5. Club activities may be added to your gmail or Outlook calendar by clicking to download the CALENDAR file below and then clicking the download to open it and add to your online calendar . This has been shown to work with PC, Mac, Android and iPhone
6. Live Longer Better in Hertfordshire
Click here to Email Secretary
COVID-19 Please Note
Under the Government's "Living with Covid" plan, we are no longer subject to any legal constraints; nor are there any significant restrictions imposed on us by Potten End Village Hall. Therefore, after careful consideration and discussion, your Committee has decided that, in the interests of getting back to something like normality, we should dispense with most aspects the Protocol which means, amongst other things, that:
- we will no longer be operating a one-way system;
- entry and exit to/from the Hall will be via the side door;
- we will revert to use of the ante-room for the booking in desk and
- go back to using cups and saucers for the tea and coffee, which will now be served through the hatch, not in the corridor.
However, we must recognise that we remain a vulnerable age group and that , in addition, there are some members who have medical conditions which place them in a higher risk category . Because of this, we still need to keep the following risk control measures:
- A strong recommendation that, where possible, those attending will have had a negative LFT result within 48 hours of the meeting. This will obviously depend on availability of test kits, which, contrary to general expectations, may not be freely available to all over 75s,
- A recommendation that face coverings continue to be worn when moving about, or in congested areas e.g. around the booking desk. Because members remove their masks to drink their tea, and are often engaged in conversation with others while doing so, it seems pointless to put them back on again when returning to their seats. However, I would stress that the wearing of face coverings is a matter for individual judgement and some may prefer to keep their masks on throughout.
- You MUST NOT attend the meeting if you or anyone in your household, or anyone with whom you have had contact, has had Covid-19 symptoms and/or has produced a positive LFT within the last 7 days. If you develop symptoms or test positive within 7 days of attending the meeting, then you MUST alert the Secretary and anyone with whom you have been contact
It is recognised that the increased transmissibility of the Omicron BA..2 variant has resulted in high levels of infections nationally, although generally symptoms appear to be mild and outcomes good. There is also good news in that members are beginning to get their second booster jabs and by May the 90% of our members who are over 75 should have been offered jabs.
Dave Norris Secretary
Our Speakers for the next few months are: (subject to change)
2025 |
March |
5th |
Ian Rennie Hospice at Home -charity speaker |
Gemma Ralph |
April |
2nd |
May |
7th |
Sentinels of the Sea. The History of Lighthouses |
Mark Lewis |
June |
4th |
Riot and Insurrection in West Hertfordshire |
Mike Stanyon |
Committee Members - 2024/2025
John Gross |
Charles Hibberd |
Ian Burton |
Social Secretary
Andy Cunningham |
Vice Chairman
Richard Lyne |
Care Secretary
Chris Gower |
Speaker Secretary
Dave Norris (acting) |
Assistant Social Secretary
Jim Binyon |
Past Chairman
Dave Norris |
Peter Nathan |
Graham Dorsett |
Assistant Secretary
Tom Bloch |